Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thanks to an inadvertent invite, I am now on, a website that combines social networking with book reviewing. You can put up your own reviews of books, list books you are currently reading and those you want to read, and access your friends' reviews of books. It is a nice design, very easy to use, and definitely right up my alley. I am also reminded of the difficulty of reviewing books I have not read for awhile. I definitely have held some books as favorites that I have not read in years, so trying to express why I love(d) those books takes some serious jogging of the memory.


Anonymous said...

If you can't get enough book social networking, check out Unsuggester, which gives you a list of books that suck. Punch in a book that you absolutely loathe, and you'll get a list of other books that other people despise.

Chris said...

Ugh...I think the site has a problem sending out inadvertant invitations. However, I've signed up and it looks good, aside from the fact that everyone on my email list got an invitation email and I am now answering questions about whether it's spam or not.

Elaine said...

After you've signed up, it uploads all of the contacts from your gmail account and includes a "check" in the check box next to each one. If you don't uncheck them and you click on the invite button, you invite your whole contact list! Eep! That's actually how I found out about it--I got invited by someone who accidentally invited his whole contact list. So yeah..there's that.

Anonymous said...

I recently also came across Library Thing,, a site for cataloguing one's own books online and connecting with other readers of the same books. Have not tried it yet, but it seems interesting.
~ hm

Elaine said...

Oooh, LibraryThings and Unsuggester look cool too. I think I've found a new time consumer: book-related social networking websites.