Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Splurge of the Month

Me likey
Somehow, my duplex is receiving the Sunday New York Times each week as if someone had a subscription. Hey, I'm not complaining. In fact, for better or worse, this stroke of luck pointed me to the Cashmere Pashmina Group. Indeed, an ad in the Times Magazine advertising an array of colors and different sized pashminas at low prices got me to buy a stole-sized pashmina in eggplant. As I have been searching for a nice but relatively cheap pashmina for awhile, I jumped on this $30 offer. Making me a little bit more confident is the fact that my roommate Joy realized that this company frequently has a representative stationed at the Greenwich Hyatt (as advertised in the Times). She knows this because her mother has purchased two pashminas that she is quite pleased with at that exact location. So here's hoping I'm equally as thrilled with my purchase, and here's hoping that it comes! I'll keep you all posted!

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