Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Laura Bush: What poise!...and....What poise!

Wow, this is amazingly hilarious. There is a Laura Bush club on facebook NU. The description is a laugh:

"Poise, style and class: All necessary qualities for the First Lady of the United States. Mother, wife, teacher, and First Lady, join as we applaud her as a woman and icon.

We, therefore, are strong advocates of the American epitome of grace: Laura Bush."

Here's my suggestion for the description guys, "Laura Bush: the name says it all!" Or how about, "Poise and grace: a euphemism for muteness"


Chris said...

It sounds like they go a bit over the top. Her seemingly vacant eyes disturb me on TV and in pictures quite often, actually. But having met the women, I'd say she's the closest thing we have to the "American epitome of grace."

It's unfortunate that you demean her because of your intense dislike for her husband.

Elaine said...

I don't really have strong feelings for Laura, which is why I find it funny that a Facebook club can be formed around her. I think calling anyone an "American epitome of grace" is overwrought. As for your accusation that I dislike Laura because I dislike George, may this supposed pathology of mine is what afflicts the virulent Hillary haters?

Chris said...

I think the "Hillary haters" hate HRC herself. They pity her because of her husband, however. They've always viewed her more as a "Lady Macbeth" who uses her husband to get what she wants. Considering his own behavior in their marriage, she's got a lot of leverage. She's always been viewed as having more political ambition, something Laura lacks. Laura controls her husband in her own way, too, though, but not necessarily for personal gain.

Elaine said...

Sounds like a pathology to me. I've always "pitied" thie Hillary haters for feeling so much vitriol and misplaced anger towards someone who has, contrary to what you say, proved herself capable and incredibly bright due to her own hard work. Remember, she went to Yale Law and ran a committed campaign for U.S. Senate. It seems like a lot of trouble accepting a woman in power like Hillary. I don't know about Laura controlling her husband...that seems a private thing. Anyway, George even admitted that it's hard for her to get him to a library yesterday at the Lincoln Museum and Library dedication, or maybe he just made that joke to play up his image as a simple, common guy.

Batya said...

women in politics
always a problem, hated (besides Jackie)
either too smart, or too ambitious or too loyal to husband

Gonzalo said...

Hillary gives me the creeps. No more Clintons! But yes to more Bushs!

Elaine said...

Yes to Bushes? You sound like a monarchist. Instate a monarchy! Bush dynasty! Sheesh, that's what our country was founded against. I do think Jeb is going to run in '08, if George doesn't propose an amendment for a third term (or just elect himself to one) which is a scary thought.

Elaine said...

An amendment to my earlier post...some in our country believed it was being founded against monarchical rule. Fortunately, our first president, George Washington was one of them. I think we can all agree that he had the right idea.