Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The "Liberal Media" Loves Ann Coulter

...As Time Magazine did just include her among their 100 Most Influential People. If Time included an asterisk next to their title with the note "if people being influenced are all Matthew Hale clones," I could agree. However, Time's pick of Coulter really calls their judgement into question, not only because she is just a downright nasty person--if I were a Republican, I would much rather have almost any other pundit on this list--but because she hasn't been particularly influential outside of her narrow pundit circle. This pick does turn the tables back on Ann, who disingenuously claims that the media is liberal, as she evidently was afforded quite the puff piece in Time.


Anonymous said...

aww...how cute..another clueless college kid liberal...

isn't that sweet...

Anonymous said...

She got your attention apparently...

Elaine said...

haha,thanks anonymous two...yeah, anonymous one, my comments must have bothered you enough to post, though your inane words really do little for your cause. Glad you're reading things disagreeable to you though!

Gonzalo said...

what's a pundit? But yeah, that Ann Coulter is kinda cute when she gets nasty ;-)

Elaine said...

A pundit is basically a commentator on political topics, so for instance, George Will on the right or Paul Begala on the left. It's been suggested that Ann Coulter was once a man, probably because of her deep voice and volatile temper, but I think that insinuation insults men.